Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Vacation 101

It is so good to get away from everything for a few days.  Last Friday we headed  up north and our first stop was Neil and Amy's cabin (well...second stop as we had already hit a  quilt shop).  Here's Ryan greeting us from their porch.

Give a boy a bucket, water and sand and he's occupied and happy!!

When Neil arrived he brought this!!  5 pails of delicious, juicy, big strawberries from his garden.  he and Kelsey picked them.   He and Wayne cleaned them.

I bet if you get real close to the computer you can smell them!  They were just beautiful.

It's been years since we've been able to get strawberries to make Wayne's favorite jam.  I had brought the jars, sugar, apron, etc. so Friday evening was spent working.  Even though we were technically on vacation, this was such a treat that I don't call it work.  How could I complain when I had help!!!  I made 6 batches of jam.

Ryan loved fishing.  He can cast better than me.  Course, anybody can cast better than me... it's just embarrassing when it's a 4 year old.  His sister, Eden would grab the scissors/pliers and take his fish off the hook for him.   He was catching fish right and left and in front.

This was our little treat for them.  I love bubbles and kids do too.  Maybe I'm just a kid...big kid.

Amy and Eden on deck!  Next morning we packed up all our jam, jammies and gear and headed down the road to Kelsey and Karen's cabin.   Another story...another day.   Jolyn

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