Thursday, August 25, 2011


A nice addition to the Expo are the woodcarvers.  It's always fun to see what they've added to their collection each year.

I thought this was beautiful.  The carving really gives it dimension.

There were a number of demonstrations given...but I only made it to two and both were mine.  So I guess I can't give you an impartial rating.  There were nice turn outs for each. 

It's fun to get people enthused about the Itty Bitty Primitive Pinwheel.

Showed these two to compare to the starter quilt size on my left and the finished size on my right.

Over 200 quilts were hung this year....from the old antiques...

To the new look-like antiques.  Dorthy made this one and it is beautiful!  It wanted to come home with me... but it isn't nice to steal.  Guess it will go on my to-do list.     Jolyn

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