Saturday, August 20, 2011

Homefront News

The Olson brothers (Bryce,Taylor, Brandon) have been selling sweet corn again this year.  It is absolutely delicious!  (And I don't say that just because they are my wonderful handsome grandsons.)  I froze about 25 pints and we have been eating some about every day.  We're hoping the way the ears are filled out is an indication of how the field corn will be.

Wayne was washing windows with the hose and stirred  up a nest of wasps.  They can be some angry nasty insects!  Here he is prepared to do battle!!  He was able to kill a bunch and knock down their nest.  Later I went out and killed one.  No...I didn't wear the gear...I've never been I am still fearless..or stupid.

It's not all work around here.  (some days I hardly get any work done)  Dorothy and Linda joined me for a day of baking bread and quilting....and eating.  Linda "insisted" on giving me some chocolate with almonds for my birthday and I felt obligated to accept them and eat them.  I try to treat them like a day.  And if you believe that......    I think I'm feeling the need for a vitamin!!!         Jolyn

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